Arab Investment Forum – Mozambique

08:50 - 09:50

Opening Ceremony

Welcome Notes:

H.E. Vicente Joaquim, Secretary of State at Municipality of the City of Maputo

Intervention by the Private Sector Representative

Mr. Álvaro Massingue – President of the Mozambique Chamber of Commerce

Intervention by the Representative of the Arab Bank for the Economic Development of Africa

H.E. Dr. Sidi Ould TAH, President of BADEA

Intervention by His Excellency Minister of Industry and Trade

H.E. Silvino Augusto José Moreno, Minister of Industry and Commerce

Opening Speech by His Excellency President of the Republic of Mozambique

H.E. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, President of the Republic of Mozambique

09:50 - 10:40

Panel 1: Prospects for Economic Development in Mozambique

The Mozambique's economy had a positive recovery with GDP growth of around 4.1% in 2022 and is expected to reach 6% in 2023. The outlook is to continue growing in 2024, maintain positive acceleration in the medium term until 2025, despite global adversities. The Government has a national development plan in which it aims to promote the private sector as a driver of growth and is supported by sectoral strategies.

Key Topics:

  • Explore factors behind Mozambique's positive GDP growth and projections for 2024-2025
  • Highlight the National Development Strategies emphasis on the private sector for economic growth.
  • Discuss how industry, agriculture, and energy sector strategies contribute to overall economic development.
  • Outline Mozambique's investment policy and incentives for attracting investments.
  • Examine the government's active role in fostering growth, addressing sustainability and challenges.


Mr. Pedro Frederico Cossa, President of AMECON


H.E. Amilcar Paia Tivane, Vice-Minister of Economy and Finance

Mr. Gil Bires, General Director of APIEX, IP Download PowerPoint

Mr. Luís Magaço Jr., President of ACIS

10:40 - 11:10

Coffee Break and Networking

11:10 - 12:15

Panel 2: Investment Opportunities in the Agribusiness Sector

Agricultural development and food security remain a priority on the agenda of Mozambique's economic plans and remain a global opportunity. The sector in Mozambique is dominated by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

Key Topics:

  • Explore the significance of agriculture in Mozambique's economic plans
  • Discuss the role of MSMEs in the agricultural sector and address challenges they face.
  • Highlight key investment opportunities within the agricultural value chain.
  • Examine challenges related to financing, knowledge, and market access in the sector


Mr. Antonio Limbau, Agribusiness Expert


H.E. Olegário Banze, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Download pdf

Mr. Ilídio Bande, General Director of IAM, IP Download PowerPoint

Ms. Adélia Magaia, General Director of FAR, FP Download PowerPoint

Mr. Izakc Holtzhausen,  Representative of Niassa Macadamia Lda Download PowerPoint

12:15 - 14:15

Lunch Break

14:15 - 15:45

Panel 3: Investment Opportunities in the Industrial Sector

Key Topics:

  • Discuss the National Programme to Industrialize Mozambique (PRONAI) and its implications.
  • Examine the strategic use of the abundant energy resources to attract manufacturing investments.
  • Highlight profitable sectors within the country’s industrial landscape taking advantages of the Government's IFZ status for export-oriented manufacturing.
  • Explore how partnerships contribute to the sustainable growth of the industrial sector.


Mr. Jaime Comiche, UNIDO Representative in Mozambique


H.E. Silvino Augusto José Moreno, Minister of Industry and Trade Download PowerPoint

Mr. Sidónio dos Santos, National Director of Industry – MIC

Mr. Marcos Correia, Businessman and Associate of AIMO Download PowerPoint

Mr. Onório Manuel, Executive Director of MozParks Download PowerPoint

Mr. Kalid Abdul Latif, Group CEO of Midal Cables International Lda

Mr. Tunísio Camba, ZEPA Project Coordinator



15:45 - 17:00

Panel 4: Investment Opportunities in the Infrastructure Sector

Mozambique is the key point of energy interconnection and logistical transshipment in Southern Africa, with its integrated road and rail infrastructure and energy network (Electricity and Petroleum products) that is connected to the neighboring countries.

Key Topics:

  • Offer insights into the current state of the infrastructure market in Mozambique, including regional trends, market dynamics, and potential challenges
  • Discuss Mozambique's pivotal role as a hub for energy interconnection and logistical trans-shipment in Southern Africa highlighting the integrated road, rail, and energy infrastructure.
  • Bring attention to unique investment opportunities in upcoming infrastructure ventures.


Mr. Senhor Elias Paulo, Director General of ANE


Mr. Fernando Sebastiao Ouana, National Director at Ministry of Transport and communications

Mr. Américo Dimande, National Director of Studies and Projects at MOPHRH

Mr. Said Junior, Executive Board Member of ADM

Mr. Cristian Moeder, Director General of DP World Maputo

17:00 - 17:15

Final Considerations of Day 1

H.E. Silvino Augusto José Moreno, Minister of Industry and Commerce

09:00 - 09:55

Panel 5: Investment Opportunities in the Tourism Sector

Tourism plays a crucial role in Mozambique's economic development by fostering local economies, creating jobs, and establishing intersectoral connections. The country's 2,800 Km of pristine coastline, rich underwater biodiversity, and tropical flora and fauna, coupled with the warm hospitality of Mozambicans, contribute to its tourism appeal.

Key Topics:

  • Discuss tourism's role in economic development
  • Explore opportunities for coastal and marine tourism experiences in Mozambique.
  • Investigate synergies between Mozambique's biodiversity and cultural heritage, exploring sustainable ecotourism prospects.
  • Highlight existing tourism investment incentives, government support, and strategies for ensuring sustainability.


Mr. Eduardo Sengo, Executive Director of CTA


Mr. Jeremias Manussa, Advisor to the Minister of Culture and Tourism Download PowerPoint

Mr. Zacarias Sumbana, Tourism Development Specialist Download PowerPoint

Mr. Richard Baule, Director-Geral of INATUR Download PowerPoint

09:55 - 11:10

Panel 6: Investment Opportunities in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector

Mozambique has an abundant potential for energy resources, including hydropower, natural gas, coal, biomass and renewable energy, which can place the country in a prominent position to respond not only to domestic demand, but also to regional and international demand.

Key Topics:

  • Explore Mozambique's abundant potential for Energy Resources.
  • Present investment prospects in energy generation, upstream activities (exploration and extraction), as well as downstream activities (refining and distribution).
  • Discuss strategies for accessing energy markets at national, regional, and global levels.
  • Highlight opportunities and advancements in renewable energy investments


Mr. Pascoal Bacela, Advisor to the Minister


Mr. Antonio Saide, Vice Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Mrs. Isália Munguambe Dimene, Chairman of FUNAE, FP Download PowerPoint

Mr. Tomás Matola, Chairman of HCB Download PowerPoint

Mr. Ricardo Pereira, President of da AMER Download PowerPoint

Mr. Samir Sale, Director General of Globelec

11:10 - 12:15

Panel 7: Export Opportunities for the Arab Market

Over the past two decades, the Arab market has shown significant demand potential for various products. Regional countries are diversifying their economies away from oil and gas dependence, focusing on infrastructure, telecommunications, and food security. Investments extend to African countries, fostering increased transactions between African and Arab companies. Examples include the expanding presence of chambers like the Dubai Chamber of Commerce in Africa, facilitating business interactions.

Key Topics:

  • Explore the transformation of the Arab market, focusing on economic diversification away from oil and gas dependence.
  • Examine the investments made by Arab countries, particularly in African nations
  • Delve into the expanding business relationships connecting African firms with the Arab world.
  • Identify specific export opportunities for Mozambique in the Arab market and discuss effective market entry strategies for businesses.


Mr. Claire Zimba, National Director of Foreign Trade at MIC


H.E. Silvino Augusto José Moreno, Minister of Industry and Trade

Mrs. Victória Daniel, Chairman of BMM, IP Download PowerPoint

Mr. Abdulla Momade, Chief Representative for Southern Africa at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce Download PowerPoint

Mr. Hugo Valdec, Advisor - Nova Sun Limitada Download PowerPoint

12:15 - 12:30

Coffee Break and Network

12:30 - 14:50

Panel 8: Evolution and Trends of the Financial Sector in Mozambique

The financial sector in Mozambique continues to develop and is dominated by a banking sector with an embryonic capital market of around 20 commercial banks, 10 microbanks, 21 insurance companies, exchange houses, mobile money services, pension funds, savings and credit cooperatives financial institutions. The sector is challenged to respond to the demand for services necessary to boost the business sector, with significant reforms being implemented to consolidate and stabilize the sector, including risk-based supervision by the Central Bank.

Key Topics:

  • Examine Mozambique's evolving financial sector.
  • Discuss the crucial role played by diverse financial institutions in meeting the demands of the business sector.
  • Explore ongoing reforms, such as risk-based supervision by the Central Bank.
  • Analyze emerging trends and opportunities for accessing financing, particularly for growing companies and private investments.
  • Address strategies to meet the rising demand for financial services in the digital transformation era and foster a more inclusive financial system.


Mr. Elísio Langa, Secretary of the Mozambican Banks Association


Mr. Jamal Omar, Monetary Stability Executive Board Member at Banco de Moçambique Download PowerPoint

Mr. Salim Valá, Chairman of BVM Download PowerPoint

Mr. Apogeu Siniquinha, Matching Grants Operational Manager Banco Mundial-IDA/MEF Min of Finance-PLED-ADVZ

Mr. Albino Andrade, Executive Board, Member at Millennium Bim bank Download PowerPoint

Mr. Montetcho Cedric – Business Development Director at BADEA

Mr. Flávio Soares da Gama, Principal Economist - AfDB Mozambique

14:50 - 16:20

Lunch Break

16:20 - 17:25

Special Panel: Operational Ventures with Spineoff in Mozambique

Key Topics:

  • Natural Gas
  • Electricity Generation
  • Aluminum Production
  • Titanium Minerals


Mr. Antonio Macamo, APIEX advisor


Mr. Ailton Do Rego, Senior Manager Moz Gas Proj Community, Govt Affairs&Licensing

Mr. Pedro Nguelume, Executive Board Member of EDM Download PowerPoint

Mr. Samuel Samo Gudo, President of Mozal

Mr. Gareth Clifton, Mozambique Manager,Kenmare Resources PLC

17:25 - 18:00

Closing Session

  • Mr. Zuneid Calumia, vice President of CTA
  • Mr. Montetcho Cedric – Business Development Director at BADEA and
  • H.E. Silvino Augusto José Moreno, Minister of Industry and Trade