H.E. Fadi Al Zouki
Honorary Consul for Lebanon in the State of Tasmania and President of ANLCCI
All Sessions by H.E. Fadi Al Zouki
The 3rd Emigrants Economic Conference
PANEL IV: What Role Can Emigrants Play in the Revival of Key Economic Sectors?
- How the recovery is likely to take shape?
- What Industries are Likely to Drive the Recovery?
- Potential Role of Emigrants in the Recovery of Key Industries?
- Needed reforms to Bolster Emigrants Confidence and Encourage them to Start Investing Again in Lebanon.
PANEL IV: What Role Can Emigrants Play in the Revival of Key Economic Sectors?
- How the recovery is likely to take shape?
- What Industries are Likely to Drive the Recovery?
- Potential Role of Emigrants in the Recovery of Key Industries?
- Needed reforms to Bolster Emigrants Confidence and Encourage them to Start Investing Again in Lebanon.